Friday, November 7, 2008


  1. What is husband's name? Kyle
  2. Who eats more? Kyle
  3. Who said, "I love you" first? I can't remember
  4. Who is taller? Kyle
  5. Who is smarter? Kyle
  6. Who is more sensitive? Me
  7. Who does the laundry? Me
  8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?Kyle
  9. Who pays the bills? We both do
  10. Who cooks more? Me
  11. Who is more stubborn? It depends on the topic
  12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? That can be a toss-up
  13. Who has more siblings? Kyle
  14. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Kyle
  15. What do you like to do together? Movies, Soccer, concerts, SCA, and go out to the lake.
  16. Who eats more sweets? Me
  17. Guilt pleasures? Ice cream & Junk food
  18. How did you meet? Band Class in High School
  19. Who asked who out first? Kyle
  20. Who kissed who first? Kyle
  21. Who proposed?Kyle
  22. What is his best features and qualities? A Great Dad and a wonderful husband, He is all ways there when I need him, all ways willing to help people, Intelligent, and Witty.